Thursday, January 9, 2014

Second day of ride from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai


We had just topped another long hill when we had a problem to solve. The distance from this morning’s starting point to Chiang Mai is 84 km or about 51 miles. Problem for us would be the next 12 miles of constant climbing after noon time and it was already getting hot. This climb is about 2,000 feet over 12 miles and would probably take us 4 hours, putting us at the summit around 4 PM.  We had no idea if there was any accommodations along that 12 miles so when we saw a sign for a homestay only 300 meters down the road we decided to stop for the day. We plan to hit the road tomorrow at around 6:30 and be over the summit before the day really heats up. We have had some long fast downhill runs, but so far nothing that has been as fast as coming down Casper Mountain.  We will see about tomorrow as this will be the highest and steepest point of our tour in Thailand.


So how hot can it be right?  It is after all winter here.  Well I took this picture of the entrance to the homestay and I will let you be the judge.


  The owner of the HS is picking his own strawberries to make smoothies for us.  Just noticed that Casper is in the middle of a hot spell also.image

This is the room we are staying in tonight.  It is sort of a family style setup.  Notice the stone work on the walls.  We have a porch outside overlooking a pond full of fish. The sleeping platform is just high enough that weary cycling knees to have trouble stepping up or down.  Windows and screens seem tight tonight and no signs of mosquitoes so no sleeping nets needed. Time for me to get up, stumble off the platform and take a shower.  IMG_0141

Windows Live Writer an offline blogging tool is nice to use, but it is unstable. Twice now it has disconnected from Google Blogger and in doing so corrupted the configuration files and web addresses.   I keep getting a “invalid blog id configuration” message, even after removing the program and reinstalling it. I noticed the id it was reporting was not the same one I could see when I logged into my Google Blogger account.  Looked around the net for hours until someone had posted that the address needed an “S” in the web address because Google Blogger was a secure website. I could not understand how that could be related to what seemed like a mismatch of IDs so I ignored it.   Problem was Windows Live Writer was not picking up that Google Blogger is a secure website when it was doing auto configuration. Went into the program blog setting and sure enough there was no “S” in the address. Just for the hell of it I inserted the “S” in the address and 3 hours of struggling was finally done. DAMN is the politest thing I can saw about that waste of time.

WLW is now posting blogs again and downloading themes from Google Blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see that you are having normal computing experiences. I'm recently recovered from total shutdown requiring professional intervention. I told him that trikes are MUCH easier in that I can see all the parts and what is going on. I do love the stonework on the wall! Very much my thing. Take care.
